Our work with the Foods Standards Agency in 2002/3 achieved the following results from our work on wellbeing and work-life balance with managers and employees.
- Reduced absenteeism (self-reported) – dropped from 17.7 days in 2001-2 to 8.4 days.
- Improved morale – the percentage of people with morale levels low enough to be potential leavers reduced from 19% in 2001-2 to 11% in 2002-3. This is especially significant given it occurred during a year of change. Managers reported that the positive influence of health and wellbeing on their performance had improved by 27% from 2001-2 to 2002-3.
Our work with Heart of England NHS Trust in 2008/9 enabled us to develop an integrated wellbeing strategy. Therefore, this helped the Trust to reduce absence and engage senior leaders in Energy and Vitality. As a result, sickness in the Trust has decreased by 2%.
Long-term absence was reduced by 37% in 12 months. Of 100 long-term cases, 80 are ‘closed’ with the majority back at work—short-term sickness reduced by 14%. Due to this, savings are estimated at 2 days per person (16k more days of work). Also, a reduction of £1.9m on average pay costs of staff who are off sick.
Considering the reduction in cover requirements and productivity gains from the decrease, total savings are estimated to be £3.8m. The reputation of HR and OH improved as absence greatly impacts the quality of patient care and costs. OH efficiency has resulted in staffing cost savings of 10%.
The executive team and senior management team’s energy and resilience have improved. Due to this, the energy management programme for the Top50 resulted in 92% improving their energy levels, 82% feeling more engaged at work and 87% more engaged at home, concentration improved by 40%, 14% were happier in life, 35% felt more in control of life and mental sharpness improved by 34%
We have enabled our clients to enter and win numerous prestigious awards, such as Personnel Today and Employee Benefits. For example, schools out of the City of York won three awards in 2003. Contact us today to make a change.
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